Don’t Save the Best For Last…Be Intentional Now.
Luke 12:34 says, "for where your treasure is there your heart will be also." Summer is a great time to be even more intentional with your children and the free time you have with them is in abundance. It is often easier to sit back and let them be entertained by friends and online interests. However, this Summer will only happen once! You can reclaim their attention and hearts if you treat them as your treasure. Our children have a keen sense of knowing what matters to us based on how we behave. Reveal to them that they are your treasure before it's time for "Back to School" shopping. We hope you join us as we pursue intentional parenting and to get started, here are a few ideas. Enjoy!
Share real life examples of times when stopping to enjoy relationships and conversation made the biggest impact on family culture.
Stop & Pray
Stop to pray for someone you see struggling. This could be at the grocery store, community park or even a friend at church or work.
Be Present
Sitting with elderly or ill friends and family while being present to listen, share and hear their stories. It is important that there are no phones or other technology present. Being present is hard when demands coming from a dinging device.
Life in Community
Invest resources into neighbors. Let it be more than a cup of sugar. Ask how you can pray for them or provide acts of service.
Pay it Forward
When the weather gets extreme, it is good to have ready-made bags in your vehicles to aid those in need. You can included fresh water, wet wipes, protein bars, toothbrush, toothpaste and funds for bus fares or food.
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23