A Time to Listen

Listening can be hard because we are often consumed with ourselves. When you approach a conversation thinking only of your own agenda, your goal is to maneuver and manipulate rather than to entertain new information and grow. Here are six ways to break this habit and become a better listener:

  1. Listen to Learn: True dialogue does not happen when we pretend to listen, but rather listen with curiosity not just to be polite.

  2. Silence Your Agenda: While you can't control someone else's listening habits, you can control yours. Quiet your mind so you are open to learning something new or surprising.

  3. Ask Questions: When you ask questions, you create a safe space for other people to give you an unvarnished truth. Being able to listen is critical to reducing unnecessary conflict at any level.

  4. Check Your Ratio: Aim for a 2:1 ration of listening to talking.

  5. Repeat Back What You Heard: This is not only good practice to remember people's names but incredibly helpful in accurately understanding what the other person is trying to communicate.

  6. Wait Your Turn to Respond: When you begin your response before the other person if finished speaking, you lose both the complete information and an understanding. At the core, you are declaring you are more important than the other person. Those who make a difference are the ones who know the purpose is bigger than themselves.


A Time to Evaluate, Envision, and Expand


Restoring Family, Joy, & Confidence